Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As I prepare for the coming of the New Year, I feel gratitude pouring throughout my being for 2009: full of beauty, focused work, unexpected adventures, love, heartbreak, new friendship, creative inspiration, and now stepping back into my traveling boots. After spending two wonderful years in Kauai, I will be taking some time away in Asia. I am looking forward to the reflection that comes with spending time in a totally different culture-- the unique perspectives, the way people connect with the environment around them, and particularly I am looking forward to the rituals of India.

Before I left Kauai this December, my dear friend Nikola came to the island to co-facilitate a dance workshop with me called, Making Dance a Prayer. When we put authentic intention into our actions-- our movements, our thoughts, the way we make food, the way we do bodywork-- it becomes a beautiful prayer. Kauai has shared so many gifts with me; she helps me listen to my intuitive abilities and to truly listen to the messages that come through when I am open and receptive. I know that all gifts given are ultimately for the betterment of our global community, and I look forward to sharing this feeling of aloha along the way in my travels. My prayer for the New Year is to open my heart more deeply to the needs of the planet and offer my creative and healing skills along my travels. I know many of you are in resonance with this prayer and together our intention will be magnified. Much aloha and blessings!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aloha dear one,
I send you much love, blessings and prayers. Have a beautiful journey, may your path be clear. I look forward to dancing with you again upon your return.